Material Handling Equipment: Popular Systems for Businesses of All Sizes
Material handling is a crucial aspect of any business, and it is important to understand what can be done to reduce material handling costs. There are many ways that material handling costs can be reduced including changing the way materials are handled and how inventory is stocked.
One of the best things a company can do to reduce these costs is to implement an automatic guided vehicle (AGV). An AGV is an automated robotic system that transports goods from one location to another without direct human involvement. This saves companies from having to hire more workers to move these products and also saves time as well as energy.
Another way that material handling costs can be reduced is by stocking less inventory. If a company only stocks what they need, then it will not have to spend money on storing excess inventory and lose profit from the extra space taken up in its warehouse or storage facility. In addition, it will also save on labour costs because there will not be any employees needed to move around the extra inventory.
However, these things can be expensive and difficult for smaller businesses, in which case, they have to really consider their material handling equipment options, in order to make processes as efficient as possible. The best pieces of material handling equipment for small and medium businesses are:
- A conveyor system for transporting materials from one location to another;
- An automated storage and retrieval system (AS/R); and
- A handling system that incorporates all of the above.
The benefits of an AS/R include:
- Reduced inventory costs;
- Increased efficiency in terms of both time and energy consumption;
- Increased flexibility in terms of being able to handle different types of products; and
- Improved worker safety with less human involvement required during transportation.
Popular Types of Material Handling Systems
Conveyor Systems
A conveyor system can be used to transport products from one location to another, or it can also be used as a storage system. Conveyors are often used in warehouses and manufacturing plants because they offer high-speed transportation of goods throughout the facility. They also offer flexibility in terms of being able to handle different types of products, which makes them ideal for use in material handling equipment options for small and medium businesses.
AGV Systems
An AGV is an important piece of material handling equipment for small to mid-sized businesses. The purpose of an AGV is to move goods from one location to another without direct human involvement. This saves companies from having to hire more workers to move these products and also saves time as well as energy. An AGV can be used for either simple or complex tasks, depending on the type being purchased.
This piece of handling equipment is equipped with a camera that allows it to navigate its way around obstacles in its path. It will then stow its load and continue on its way to its destination. The biggest advantage of an AGV is that it can travel at speeds up to 10 meters per second, which means that it can complete tasks in less time than if they were done by hand.
Hybrid Vehicles
The last piece of material handling equipment that should be considered when looking for options for small and mid-sized businesses is a hybrid vehicle. A hybrid vehicle combines the best features of both a truck and an AGV into one system. This allows it to transport heavy loads and navigate through tight spaces. It also has the ability to be operated by a single driver, which means that companies will save on labour costs when using this equipment.
Potential Downsides
The downside of an AGV is that they are extremely expensive and can only be used in certain situations such as big warehouses or manufacturing plants with multiple levels of storage. A hybrid vehicle, however, is not as expensive as an AGV, but it does have its limitations as well. The biggest disadvantage of a hybrid vehicle is that it cannot carry heavy loads, which means that companies will have to purchase additional equipment for these types of tasks.
Material handling costs can be reduced by implementing an AGV, AS/R system or hybrid vehicle depending on the needs of your business. Before purchasing any of these pieces of handling equipment, however, it is important to conduct research into what works best for you and your company. If you are unsure about which one to get, then speak to an expert who has extensive knowledge in this area.
Where to Find Material Handling Supplies
You’ll find material handling suppliers in many locations, including online. It’s important when purchasing material handling equipment that you take into consideration the needs of your business. For example, if you need an AGV then it’s not enough to just buy one because it will only work in certain situations such as big warehouses or manufacturing plants with multiple levels of storage. You also need to think about the type of products that you are going to be storing, as well as how they are going to be transported around your business premises.
The best thing to do is to go online and find material handling suppliers who have a wide range of options available. This will allow you to pick and choose which one works best for your company without having to buy something that may not be suitable for your needs.